Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine's Day Writing Contest!

Hey peeps! My good friend over at Gallery No. 3 is holding a Valentine's Day writing contest, and is asking for submissions of short stories (maximum 2 pages) and poetry to the theme "(anti) romance." The winning entry will be posted on Gallery No. 3 and a virtual award will be given for the winner to show off on his/her blog/site!

So whadaya waiting for? Write something mushy or cynical and send it in!



  1. Oooh this sounds like fun. I'll have to think on this and see if I've got any ideas. Thanks for sharing!

    - Lauren

  2. I can't believe I saw the dead Cupid and horror was eclipsed by a snorted chuckle! :P I'll have to try and come up with something, if I can find time in time. Thanks for letting us know! :)

  3. This does sound fun! I'll have to see what I can come up with, thanks.

  4. Thanks for the shout-out, Laura.

    I look forward to reading what all of you come up with ;)

  5. Oh, fun! Valentine's Day is so horrible.

  6. Yes, thanks for the plug, Laura. I too will attempt to enter this contest if I can!

  7. I decided to go with something mushy:-)



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