Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Making it to "The End"

Today's guest post comes courtesy of a fellow blogger and writing enthusiaste who also happens to be my cousin! He's here writing for me, and I'm over at his awesome blog, writing for him, today! Check out both posts (but stay here, and read this one first!) Please welcome Jason Emly to Legs!

"The End"

I’ve never actually made it that far in the writing of a novel. I have many ideas pregnant with the potential to revolutionize the thinking of the free-world on many a subject.

It isn’t so much “the end” that gets me either. The middle for many of my stories feels like the next rest stop being twenty-five miles away when the 64oz Big Gulp I finished drinking an hour ago wants to make its final getaway.

Is it motivation? Is it frustration? Is it stopping to edit when I should just keep writing? Is is poor planning? Is it poor execution of a plan? Is it all of the distractions? Is it too many excuses? Is it not dedicating proper time to writing? Is it lack of time spent writing? Is it stopping when the “block” hits you? Is it (fill-in-the-blank)?

Yes. It is.

I don’t remember crawling, or really, not walking. But I have seen many a child beginning to learn how to walk. They all fall down. A lot. But for some reason, they get up again. Then, they only stop walking for the few months it takes their parents to realize they are heavy and they can walk. Kids don’t give up because walking is part of the passage to being who they are, and being independent. They see the walkers around them, and just know they have to do it too.

I love the title of this blog, because the idea of finding one's “literary legs” resonates with me. And the analogy is nearly perfect. Whatever style, media, or genre you want to write, the actual writing is just like learning to walk. You will fall down. A lot. You’ll cry and want to give up, but you will eventually get up again, because you see all of these people walking, or maybe you’ll just catch a glimpse of some one else taking a baby step.

Just keep reading and writing. Don't try to conquer every issue that has hindered you in one day."
Writing experience is exactly like the stages of walking. It takes practice and you may need help and encouragement.

Whatever it is that has gotten you down in the past don’t let it keep you down. I have a strong voice when I write well, and I can use it to make people laugh or think. When I make it to “the end” it will be a time of celebration. Just keep reading (watching people walk) and writing (baby-steps and beyond). Don’t try to conquer every issue that has hindered you in one day; work through an obstacle one-at-a-time for a few weeks.

If a novel is a goal of yours: crawl, walk, then run before you start the marathon. But run it.

Remember “do-overs”? I’m going to declare this blog post as a perpetual do-over. Any time anything gets in your way and you [want to] give up, read this. It will be a chance to start over, and put the failure behind you. You can read this and have a new starting point, because you know what comes before the end and the middle?

The Beginning.

(now go write)

Jason writes about life and the people, places, and things that strike his fancy. He has recently moved to New York and hopes to dedicate more time to his writing, there. Good luck, Jason!


  1. Thank you for this! I needed a gentle kick in the tush to get back to work.

  2. Don't we all! Thanks for contributing, Jason!

  3. "Is it motivation? Is it frustration? Is it stopping to edit when I should just keep writing? Is is poor planning? Is it poor execution of a plan? Is it all of the distractions? Is it too many excuses? Is it not dedicating proper time to writing? Is it lack of time spent writing? Is it stopping when the “block” hits you? Is it (fill-in-the-blank)?"

    Gosh, for me, it was ALL of these things, at one time or another during the two years it took me to write my first draft of my first novel. I'd written 2 picture books and one MG, but never actually finished a full length novel. My biggest obstacle was stopping to edit.

    Enjoyed reading your post, Jason! It has pulled many of my "issues" into perspective. Now, maybe the second novel won't be so painful to execute.

  4. Sparrow: glad to be any kind of encouragement.
    Candy: Glad to hear it really isn't just me that has those problems:)

    Thanks for the kind comments too... and thanks Laura for the chance to write outside my niche for a bit.



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