Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Starts

Hello again!

Happy New Year, peeps! Sooo much to talk about...but not sure where to begin! It's a new year and I'm excited about my resolutions. Optimistic about moving forward in every way. Growing. Achieving.

We talk every new year about all the things we hope to accomplish. Less often do we talk about the resolutions we made good on the previous year. So...before I delve into hopes and dreams for 2013, how about a little recap of 2012?

  • I had a beautiful, beautiful baby boy named Silas Finnegan Page. He's the [other] love of my life!

  • I made a bunch of stuff with my sewing machine! Three baby quilts, onesies, button-down shirts, hoodies, a scarf or two, a couple skirts... I really taught myself to sew last year and it's been so much fun!
  • I worked really hard on my poetry, folks. I really made good on my resolution to write more stuff and send out more stuff, and...I GOT PUBLISHED!!! That was a goal and it finally happened. You can read one of my poems in Decades Review, an online literary journal. 
Those are the highlights. On to the new resolutions! 
In 2013, I want to:

  • Read more books. I was pretty lame about reading last year. This year, I'm going to read my butt off. The goal is to read 52 books. One book for every week of the year. Yeah, I know some books take longer than a week to tackle. But other books take much less than a week, so I figure I can balance it out. 52 books! In that list, I hope to incorporate a lot more contemporary fiction. Contemporary stuff is something that was off my radar for a really long time, being a literary studies major in college. I read A LOT of classics. But not a lot of recent stuff. Another goal for this reading list is to tackle some Russian writers. Namely, Dostoevsky.
  • Write and get published a few more times! Along those lines, I definitely want to try to workshop with other writers and poets more. I  think this will help me craft better pieces and find homes for my work!
  • Lose weight. Yeah, I know. Totally cliche.
  • Craft more! Sewing! Making things! Maybe even open an Etsy shop?! Who knows.
  • Revamp this blog a little bit. I'm going to change things up. Make the place a little more generic, since I've sort of strayed from my original niche. Oh sure, I'll still yammer on about books and writing. But I'll probably yammer on a lot about other stuff, too. Especially the little boy and the sewing projects! Full fledged mommy blogger, here, ya'll. Deal with it!
So what are YOUR resolutions? Do make them or do you refrain? Shoot me a comment!

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